Graduate's profile

By Sandra Alkmim On 04/08/15 22:45 Updated at 04/14/22 10:01

The professional profile of physicians graduated at UFJ is based on MEC's "Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais" (2014): physician, with generalist, humanistic, critical and reflective training, qualified to act, guided by ethics, in the health-disease process in its different levels of care, with actions of promotion, prevention, recovery and rehabilitation in health, in the perspective of comprehensive care, with a sense of social responsibility and commitment to health citizenship, as a major human heatlh promoter.
Since skills and competencies required by the job market change quickly, one of  our undergraduate course's main goal is to awaken the student's commitment to their self-development: to work on their commitment to keep up to date, always aiming for professional improvement . The professional trained at UFJ should skilled to work in the following areas:

• Health care: universal access and equity, integrality and humanization of care, quality service, communication and health promotion;

• Health Management: care management, decision making, communication, leadership, teamwork and social participation;

• Health Education: Commitment to training, interprofessional learning, involvement in teaching-research - extension, foreign language skills to be updated on medical advances.

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